This is a box for sewing/embroidery accessories that my Mom made for me a few years ago. It has a top that holds the sides together as a box. My "light box" is really just a couple of sheets of poster board laid on a table in front a window that has a light white curtain. It was overcast yesterday and light coming in was pretty good as I didn't turn on any other lights in the room. I do plan on building a real light box once we get back from our road trips.
Cute idea for the theme, Debra. Your make-shift light box seems to be working pretty well!
Your creation works well - great lighting! I know I am really enjoying my light box! I think it could become a permanent fixture in my living room LOL
That is a great idea for the theme - the box opens up like a rose!
What a cute little box. Looks like it has lots of cool "pockets" to hide stuff!
Open and upen and open, Great Theme shot love the colour and the lightbox is so effective for this
How clever are you!!! This is perfect for the theme and a lovely photograph. Great shot!
Sorry for the above. This is a lovely shot and a lovely and clever box. You got wonderful light.
I would have selected either "Pink" or "Box" theme for this photo. Yet, it also works for "Open." I love the way it opens. Further it appears to be compact as well. Besides the article well on its way to being an heirloom, so is the photo and the lightbox! :D Excellent shot. Like the colors and the shadows - they are there even though you said you used only natural lighting.
I love that little box. Your "light box" is working real well. I have a store-bought light box and I mostly use natural light for it anyway.
This is a neat box and I think open is perfect theme. The lighting really works.
How ingenuitive ... your idea for a light box. I gotta try one of those soon. Great idea for the theme!!
What a handy little box, so pretty!
Very cute...great gift!
Great use of natural light. Your Mom is very handy.
This is a great photo. The box is so photogenic.
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