192 Musical InstrumentThis is "Air Guitar", it is a sculpture in Cary, NC where I was visiting with my daughter. It was done by Mike Roig. They had a contest and there were some wonderful pieces. Most of them were for sale but were out of my price range. Rachel and I got up early one morning to run around taking photos. Had a lovely time.
After spending a few days with her (& my laptop crashed
again) DH and I went up to Rhode Island to see his brothers and then to Pennsylvania to see my sister. After we got back I spent another two hours with the Dell tech to get up and running. Still have a couple of issues to get fixed but they are minor. And I was
promised that this would fix the problem. So now we are trying to get caught up and all the service and doctor's appointments done. I have to get all my photos loaded back onto the computer. A little overwhelmed with all the stuff that needs to be done. We have only been home three weeks total out of the last ten. Will be playing catch up. Think we are home for at least a couple of months.