Monday, July 27, 2009

340 Turkey or Fowl
Seeing this turkey buzzard sitting in this park grill struck me funny. Not that I would really want to eat this turkey.


Livet på Citronodlingen said...

haha, thats a great picture! Like he (or she?) is just waiting to be cooked.

Chesney said...

There's nothing like grilled turkey LOL Too funny!

Rachel said...

I would have to think twice about using that grill!

Madelaine said...

That is pretty funny! Maybe she made a nest in there. You could have turkey bacon & eggs! lol Sorry, I couldn't resist! Great find and shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot! It does look cozy there.

Anonymous said...

Are you certain this isn't her nest? Yep, it is comical to see her sitting on the grill.

Vanessa said...

Funny picture. Great shot. I like that you used a Turkey Vulture for this theme.