Saturday, February 14, 2009

255 Red
This lovely cardinal likes to sing for the ladies, very loudly and often very early in the day. We usually have a pair all season long who hang out. The female has been known to remind me to fill the feeder.


Rachel said...

He's beautiful. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that you caught him with his beak wide open, great shot of a beautiful bird.

Katie said...

What a beautiful cardinal, looks like he is in a carolina blue sky.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Boy thousands of those darting around the place must brighten things up.

Debbie said...

How lucky you are to have such beautiful birds.I have not seen them here yet!

mljrbg said...

Fabulous shot. Great red and blue combination.

Anonymous said...

Looks like one wild bird.

Edmund said...

Great shot. I love the sounds of the cardinals. I 've learned there call and sometimes will answer them and then we have a three way conversation.:) But they do answer back. Had to get rid of my bird feeders as we had about ten hawks watching for some easy prey. I finally put some food in them 3 weeks ago, no hawks but very few birds and no cardinals. YET. It will take them a while to find the seeds.

Sunny said...

Very nice bird photo! Great capture of him serenading you, and everyone in hearing distance. Don't they have the most wonderful, bell-clear voices?

Sheila said...

Great capture! Love the red against the blue sky!

Clara said...

Great shot, cardinals are hard to capture. I love the red against the blue.

DART said...

such gorgeous colouring...wish we had them out here!