Wednesday, May 13, 2009

306 Stripes
A zebra long-wing at the Butterfly Pavilion at the gardens. This is Florida's state butterfly and we see them quite a bit during the summer. I have to do some replanting of host plants that have died so we see more.


Chesney said...

He is beautiful - we have none of those in Nebraska! Great catch!

Rachel said...

Very pretty. I like how he's sitting in the sunshine for you.

KimR. said...

Great shot for the theme, I've never seen a butterfly like this!

mljrbg said...

Lovely butterfly shot. They are one of my favorite things to photograph.

Madelaine said...

What a unique specimen...I didn't know butterflies came in a zebra variety! Wonderful, clear shot!

Anonymous said...

A fascinating butterfly and a gteat shot, i love that you plant stuff for them.

Anonymous said...

I of course meant great shot, can you edit the comments you get on Blogger? WordPress lets you and a few times I've tidied up comments I've gotten.