Sunday, May 17, 2009

98 Fences (morning walk)
A simple fence with a shy heron. Just had the little p&s with us and he wouldn't let us get too close.


Rachel said...

Such a grand bird. You get the greatest critters on your morning walk!

Chesney said...

Love the picture from a distance, you really get a sense of how large these birds really are!

Anonymous said...

They are so majestic. I am astonished you captured one on a fence. Nice shot!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful catch, I love how the legs match the rail fence.

tterlyn said...

You caught him, I love to try to get these creatures. The fence does make him look rather large, nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when taking your camera on your morning walk turns out to be worth it???? Very nice shot!

MevetS said...

Cool shot. I carry a point and shot just for such photo ops.

Madelaine said...

What a lucky find & a fun shot! I'm never without my P & S but haven't found anything as wonderful as this!

Anonymous said...

Wow, good capture of the heron. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

How funny to see him perched on the fence like that! A wonderful capture.