Monday, March 30, 2009

129 Green
Saw this little green anole running around this evening. There seem to be fewer of them each year. This is the only anole native to the U.S. Unfortunately there are many non-native anoles here that are threatening the green anole's existence. The green anoles are often called chameleons because they will change colors when stressed.


Chesney said...

Great catch of this little guy - he doesn't look too stressed now, he must enjoy the camera! What a poser!

Anonymous said...

I'd be so excited to see a little creature like that! Cool shot and good catch!

Rachel said...

Great perspective. I love his bright color!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Great shot and a shame all in one. Sounds like or Australian Gecko which is being rapidly replaced by the Indian Geckko that seems to be pushing the natives out.

Anonymous said...

What a beauty! And look at that long tail! Great shot. I like the angle in which you managed to capture him. Wonderful job to get him because I know they are generally gone like a shot.

barbs said...

Wonderful job catching this one. he is gorgeous. Nice focus and composition.

Bo said...

Love the angles. What a cute critter!

BobbieCoughlin said...

Cool! The angle lets us see the world from the lizard's point of view.

Clara said...

Great catch. My husband actually took a picture of one of those the other day, and my husband rarely takes a picture.

Anonymous said...

It is a cool shot, great angle. I'd love to have critters like that running around, it does seem to be posing

Anonymous said...

Hang on little fella! Nice capture - with the camera of course!