Monday, March 16, 2009

325 Things That Go
I live about 60 miles from the Cape so we can watch the shuttle launches from our house. We don't get the roar or vibrations but we still enjoy. Night launches are always very dramatic but last night's was around sunset and it was stunning. There were a few clouds but it didn't block the view for very long. The vapor trail turned quite orange. We could see the booster rockets fall very clearly. There is quite a bit of noise in this; for some mind-numbing reason I was totally not prepared before it went up.


barbs said...

How fantastic! And great for the theme. I would love to see a launch - I have always been fascinated by the space program.

Chesney said...

Wow, what a cool shot! This is awesome! A few years back when we were at Disney we saw the shuttle go over space mountain (while eating at the space lounge)! Too funny! We would love to go see an actual launch!

mljrbg said...

Fantastic!! You captured it beautifully orange and all. It's nice you can view all of that from your yard.

Katie said...

I've always wanted to see a shuttle launch! Great capture, love the glow of the afterburn? is that what it is called?

Rachel said...

I love the colors in the contrail, especially in contrast against the almost purple sky. Very nice.

Kerri said...

Nice shot! I've always wanted to see a launch. Eventually I'll make it down to one.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Wow! A shooting star in reverse!

Anonymous said...

When I saw this I thought the same as Bobbie. How fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Wow ... that's all, just Wow!

Anonymous said...

How lucky you are! And this seems to me to be a fantastic shot. Certainly rivals some I've seen in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Those photos are AWESOME and beautifully photographed! Unbelievable...never saw that before so thank you!

MevetS said...

Long ago I drove down from college (Troy, NY) to see the first launch. A fellow student had interned at NASA the previous summer, and we got into the VIP section (not the VVIP, where the politicians go :-). The thing that you don't expect is the sound. It is well worth seeing a launch in person.

We had hoped to watch the shuttle go by up here in NJ for this launch (only really possible with night launches). It is cool as you can see the engines as they sputter off. But it was not to be, clouded out.

They are all nice shots.