Sunday, March 1, 2009

351 Warnings (Morning Walk)
This was taken during the week as the light was blinking for the school zone. For the most part it seems like most drivers to obey the warning here. The police do their radar thing for the first week of school and then occassionally come back for a reminder. I do find it sad that some people need the threat of a ticket & fine to slow down for a very short distance.


Chesney said...

Super image! People seem to watch those signs!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Wow, we don't have them in Australia (yet) if they are luminous for night time they should be really effective. I like the sign and of course the magnificent photo of it.

Debbie said...

Great idea for the theme! We have signs like that, flashing lights, flags for the kids to carry when crossing, and there are crossing guards at the 4 way stops during school hours. None so blind as those that can see.