Wednesday, March 18, 2009

297 Spelling Errors
A shot off the computer of the local road runner home page. I think maybe the trend is a little too cheap since they can't afford spell check or a proof reader.


mljrbg said...

Don't you wonder why? My mother always said "penny wise and pound foolish".

Chesney said...

It always amazes me that businesses spend so much time setting up sites, but don't proof read them! Makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

That's a great catch...I had to go back and re-read before I found it!

Rachel said...

I must be tired. I had to read it twice to catch the error! Good job.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Yes you are right but I like the term ADVERSITING meaning the placement of advertisements on web sites, you could make a killing with the thought alone LOLROTF

Lorri said...

Fun photo! Someone will be cringing when that error is pointed out to the good folks at Road Runner.

Clara said...

Looks like something for the Jay Leno show. Good eye.