Saturday, March 28, 2009

320 The Global Village (Morning Walk)
We walk by Rotary Park most mornings. It is a very small park across from the middle school and golf course. They have announcements of various local events and this morning I noticed a World's Festival. And as most of you probably know there are Rotary Clubs world wide; they are an international group of service clubs. Service Above Self is their motto.


Edmund said...

Very nice image. Wish we had a park nearby.

Rachel said...

Cool sign. Is it new or has it always been there and I'm just blind? I can't believe how far you guys walk every morning. I think walking by my middle school every day might creep me out, though. :O)

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

The rotarians do a wonderful job world wide and truely qualify as part of the Global Village. Thanks for sharing.

DART said...

a motto we'd all do well to live by! great shot finding that sign!

barbs said...

Great sign. Nice picture too! The rotarians are a great organization.

Sunny said...

Gee, wish I could go! Looks like a beautiful park, too, what I can see of it.

Chesney said...

Great sign for the theme and wonderful colors!

Madelaine said...

Lovely shot & perfect for the theme. My grandfather was very involved with the Rotary.

Clara said...

Great lighting and great detail in the bricks.